Did Princess Diana Know King Charles, Camilla 'Love Child'?

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Simon Dorante-Day, the alleged love child of King Charles and Camilla, has claimed that Princess Diana was aware of their existence.

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Simon Dorante-Day says, "Princess Diana was concerned about the possibility of a love child between King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla.

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He decided to die with knowledge. 

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He said, "We assume that Diana was aware of my existence, that she had put the pieces together.

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Diana was at the point where she was looking for answers about her life, how she was wronged — and she was making it public.

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One of Diana's secret fears [is] that [is] a secret baby. There were all kinds of rumors going around, and my existence would have been one of them.

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The 56-year-old engineer has claimed that his adoptive grandmother told him on her deathbed that he was the "secret son" of Charles and Camilla

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